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About Ludi


Ludi : On-line, multiplayer and solo games

Love Traditional Games ? Nobody to play with ? Ludi is made for you. Practice against our challenging robots, then take part in on-line tournaments against real players from around the world. Every month, Ludi organizes approximately 5,000 tournaments on line. Don't Wait.. Join the Fun !

Every minute a game starts, you only have to join in. 700,000 players already did. Join now don't wait any longer.

Ludi offers traditional card, strategy and puzzle games. Respecting International Law Ludi does not offer gambling games. You only need purchase one of our subscriptions for unlimited access and tournament play.

Our Philosophy

Launched in September 2003, Ludi quickly became Europe's premier card game site. Ludi offers quality games, in a safe and friendly environment. Our vibrant community helps bring the games to life, and the chat and game play features allow players to share great times together.

The Company

Ludi is a privately held company based in Switzerland. We develop, operate and support a suite of high quality, feature rich on-line games for a global audience.


September 2003
The Creation of LudiClub.com

November 2003
The first Tournaments

May 2005
Anti-Cheating System

March 2008
New 'Freedom' monthly offer

August 2008
Launch of a new game : chess

January 2009
Launch of a new game : solitaire

June 2009
LudiClub.com becomes Ludi.com
Site Remodeled and new innovations

Our Address :
14-16 Place de Cornavin
1201 Geneva

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